
Books For Every Summer Occasion



The book you read when you are wondering how on earth Trump became president:

J.D. Vance, the author of Hillbilly Elegy, uses firsthand experience, facts, data, his own thoughts and hypotheses to illustrate what life is like in middle America.  In short, this book explains what caused Trump, and for those of you who are, like me, still reeling from the election, it offered an insightful and eyeopening perspective from someone who lives in middle America.




The book you read when you want to cry:

Julian Fellows writes about the English class system, a century ago.  But he does more than that, he writes about love and loss and getting older and regret.  He chronicles the human condition, and beneath the intricate explanations of class, is a love story.






The Book you read when you want to laugh:

The Rosie Project is the funniest and most heartwarming book I've read in the past year. The main character, Don Tillman, is a very bright, socially inept, and surprisingly loving man who does his best, as we all do, to make sense of the world.








The book to read when you want to believe there is good in humanity

I am a sucker for all things sad and sweet.  This book is heartbreaking and lovely.  It made me laugh and cry and I absolutely fell in love with Mrs. Brown, the main character.








The book you read when you want to learn:

Jon Ronson's unique style of writing has always been attractive to me, and I find the subject of craziness, and how we define craziness incredibly interesting so this book was kind of perfect for me. It's equal parts brilliant and unsettling.  









The beach read:

This book made me very happy. The female characters are charming and brave, something I always love and the plot flows nicely and quickly.  It's a quick read and it's genuinely very fun to read!








The book you read when you are in Italy, or wishing you were in Italy:

The Story of Castellamare a tiny island in Italy, is beautiful, riveting and mystical.  It spans three generations of Espositos, a family who run a little bar called 'The House at the Edge of the Night.' 









The book you read when you want to be scared:

I read this whole book during one three hour plane ride and I was literally on the edge of my seat, with chills, the entire time.  It's by far the best scary book I've read all year.










The book you read when you are on a dysfunctional family vacation:

This book is funny and weird and the characters are terrible and somehow lovable.  It will (hopefully) make you feel better about your own family.










Every one of these books is fantastic, and you honestly can't go wrong with any of them





Eating For A Healthier Earth

Eating For A Healthier Earth

Governor's Ball 2017

Governor's Ball 2017